New Single - BY MY SIDE - Listen NOW!

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About my new song Dump Him and how it came to be

It's official! My new song Dump Him is live! Woohoo! 🥳  I wanted to expand a little bit about this particular song. This is what I'm calling my quarantine project, cause I made it happen during the stay at home order, and it's my first time in a while that I mixed and mastered myself.  Under normal circumstances I wouldn't have had the time to sit down in front of my laptop and mix a song for hours like I did with this one. So I'm grateful I took the time to do it, and it actually kept my sanity during this very uncertain time in our lives.  Technically, this song is a remix. The inception of it actually goes back...

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In Town for the Weekend - New Single Feb 17th!

New song coming out February 17th 2020! I've been working on this song for a year... A YEAR! Why? I don't know, some people say it's because I spread myself too thin. Or because I travel too much or whatever. Or because I simply don't pick up my guitar often enough to write. Truth is, it's probably fear. Typical fear of rejection that hunts most artists. Or so I hear. But anyway, I'm biting the bullet and releasing this song, and I can't wait to freak out over your reaction 😜  

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