Here's a video for you! 🤓 In this one I break down all the elements that make my song Dump Him. I show you what it sounded like when I first started the recording process and how it ended up being what it is today. Enjoy!
And of course, if you haven’t listened to it yet what are you waiting for! Listen now.
It's official! My new song Dump Him is live! Woohoo! 🥳 I wanted to expand a little bit about this particular song. This is what I'm calling my quarantine project, cause I made it happen during the stay at home order, and it's my first time in a while that I mixed and mastered myself. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't have had the time to sit down in front of my laptop and mix a song for hours like I did with this one. So I'm grateful I took the time to do it, and it actually kept my sanity during this very uncertain time in our lives. Technically, this song is a remix. The inception of it actually goes back...
My long awaited quarantine project 😂 This one is called Dump Him, and it'll be out on July 14, 2020 a.k.a. my BIRTHDAY 🥳 So make sure to save the date on your calendar because it's gonna be a party 😜
New song coming out February 17th 2020! I've been working on this song for a year... A YEAR! Why? I don't know, some people say it's because I spread myself too thin. Or because I travel too much or whatever. Or because I simply don't pick up my guitar often enough to write.
Truth is, it's probably fear. Typical fear of rejection that hunts most artists. Or so I hear. But anyway, I'm biting the bullet and releasing this song, and I can't wait to freak out over your reaction 😜